ROUND THREE: Touch of gloves for the last round. Anders still coming forward, Theodorou seems to have his legs back under him but isn’t moving as well as he did earlier. Left from Anders lands. Theodorou lands an uppercut but he’s still backing up and circling. We get time as Theodorou complained of an eye poke, both guys had taken some small ones in the second. Theodorou is good to continue and we’re back to fighting. Another left from Anders in close lands. Two more lefts land and they clinch but nothing comes of it before they break. Theodorou is trying to up his out put but he’s slowing down and Anders lands a right uppercut. Another couple of lefts from Anders land. Anders lands a left, Theodorou lands an uppercut. Another bit of an uppercut from Theodorou, he thinks about a takedown but bails on it. Spinning inside leg kick from Theodorou lands. Anders lands an uppercut. Theodorou lands a body kick, Anders lands a left and that will end the fight as time runs out.
That cut would have stopped the fight even if Nelson hadn’t got the submission I think. Mic time for Nelson, who says the end was what he thought but the fight was a scrap all the way through. He says he got a little off balance from some of the damage but eventually he got on top and finished things. He talks through the reversal from the first round and plans on being more safe in that position in the future. We get a replay of the finish, that’s a horrible amount of blood that just came flowing from Oliveira’s face, and Nelson talks us through the finish to close his interview.
The rewards for Toromont seem worth the trouble. While sales directly resulting from the Oak Island connection are difficult to identify, exposure of the Caterpillar brand on TV has resulted in lots of new activity in social media, according to Ferguson. And there are residual benefits.
John Deere says the absolute and relative slope readouts provide enhanced information to the operator for specific applications, and the absolute value readout is useful for providing information during general grading applications that do not need a local grade reference. The relative value readout, the company says, is well suited for operators looking to alter grade relative to an existing or reference guide.
Sixty years ago this week, Maury Povich sat shivering in a mezzanine box down the third base line at the old Yankee Stadium, as the Baltimore Colts and New York Giants played deep into the winter twilight.
Jason Boerger, marketing manager, Bobcat Co., Fargo, N.D., says attachments can help improve the bottom line for rental stores.
“Choosing a bucket that has a shorter tip radius will provide higher tooth forces for digging or ripping through tough materials, thus better penetration,” says Horton. “Also, the bucket with the least teeth in contact with the material at any one time will provide higher tooth forces. Of course, buckets that have short tip radii are often lower capacity. In order to achieve the highest productivity, the bucket characteristics of number of teeth, width, tip radius and capacity should be matched with rippability of the material to be excavated.”
“Now I can put everything in at once because the stumps are so small they burn off like brush. [Shark Tooth] has sped that side of it up so much that I can’t keep up with it as a pile burns down. I have to get several days ahead before even lighting a pile.”
Israeli media say renowned Israeli author Amos Oz has died at the age of 79. Oz, author of novels, prose and a widely acclaimed memoir, had suffered from cancer.
“Rotating or tilting buckets are usually ditching or grading buckets, so they are normally wide and have a short tip radius with low capacity,” says Lee Horton, Leading Edge Attachments. “They offer the advantage of being very effective at shaping the ground to create non-flat surfaces. The weight of the tilting mechanism is usually not an issue because a ditching and grading bucket is normally not used for bailing or digging large amounts of material.
Chuckie hit a tope con hilo, then avoided a kendo stick strike. Chuckie hit a double stomp off the top rope for a nearfall on Tonga, as Loa broke up the pin. Tonga hit a spear out of nowhere, then tagged Loa.
And it has also transformed the AG’s race into a contest of who can out-Teachout Teachout in taking on Trump. The rhetoric has turned dramatic. In a recent ad, her rival Maloney sits calmly in his living room and says: “I feel like there’s a group of men who have shown up with Donald Trump in the front yard and they’re getting ready to tear this house apart. And I’m going to stand in the hallway with a baseball bat, because I don’t have a choice. My kids are upstairs asleep.”
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