ROUND ONE: Ansaroff is an inch taller and has half an inch of reach advantage. They touch gloves to get us going. Gadelha lands a right to counter a leg kick. More rights from Gadelha, she’s looking to scrap. Ansaroff looking for leg kicks but they’re naked and she’s asking to be countered. They both land punches into a clinch and Gadelha is looking for a body lock takedown. It takes a bit but Gadelha is successful and moves to half guard almost instantly. Gadelha lands body shots while looking to open up a passing opportunity. Ansaroff kicks Gadelha upright but can’t get up before Gadelha lands a right and returns to half guard. Body to head punches from Gadelha, Ansaroff is looking to control posture and ride this out at the moment. Ansaroff hits a sweep and is able to roll Gadleha off of her and get back up. Ansaroff coming forward but isn’t landing anything yet. Sneaky side kick to the face from Ansaroff. Ansaroff lands an uppercut but eats a counter elbow. Gadelha pushes into the clinch and lands a right but can’t keep Ansaroff on the fence. Another single leg attempt from Gadelha but Ansaroff stays upright and gets free. Bit of a right from Gadelha, Ansaroff lands a leg kick as the round ends.
ROUND TWO: More movement from Theodorou, Anders lands a punch but he’s getting out worked and out pointed by Theodorou. Anders lands a left and they clinch up. Knees go back and forth then Anders lands a left as they break. Theodorou lands a body kick and some uppercuts in close before he separates. Inside leg kick from Thedorou. Anders lands a left and a body kick, then Theodorou lands a knee and a right as they break from a clinch. Stiff lefts from Anders in close, Theodorou just eats it but those landed. Better work from Anders now, Theodorou is slowing down a bit. Short uppercuts from Theodorou in close but he’s struggling to keep up his pace. Bit of a left from Anders, and another one wobbles Theodorou. Theodorous is hurt and on the fence, Anders swings lefts to the body. Body kick form Tehodorou but Anders lands a couple of counter lefts that hurt him. Jab from Anders and a left uppercut, Theodorou is hurt but backing away and surviving. Another left from Anders drops Theodorou for a moment but he’s back up and still wobbled. Anders isn’t going nuts here, he has a high kick blocked as the round ends.
Here’s the final exchange, I’ll let you decide if you agree with me on that being a technical submission.
Optimized for use with all cutting tooth styles, Loftness says the Battle Ax allows customers to choose from Quadco planer blades, hard-surface Quadco blades and carbide teeth. The cutting teeth are mounted to the rotor with a single hex bolt for easy removal on the jobsite, according to Loftness.
The match broke down, and everyone jumped in. Okada hit Fale with a dropkick. Tana hit White with a slingblade. Tana and Okada hit planchas. KUSHIDA ducked a brass knuckles shot from Gedo, then hit a back elbow. White jumped in and hit KUSHIDA with a blade runner. Ishimori hit KUSHIDA with a bloody cross for the pin.Â
At last Roy returns to his open document, feeling weirdly calm, like he and the bots understand each other. This time, he writes an article in which it’s clear that something happened. There were gunshots. People died. There were toxic substances. Everyone blames everyone. Everybody has grievances, everybody is thirsty. Obfuscation wrapped in vagueness, covered with a layer of gibberish.
UFC 231 comes to the world from the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. On commentary we have Jon Anik, Joe Rogan, and UFC lightweight contender Paul Felder. This trio was pretty solid the last time they were assembled, and Felder’s commentary is generally awesome. We’re under the old rules tonight as Ontario has not verified the new rules, so anything besides the soles of your feet on the mat means your downed and the language around scoring is needlessly nebulous. We will have the use of replay for fight ending sequences but once used the fight cannot be restarted.
There is much more to selecting the most appropriate excavator bucket than meets the eye. Tip radius, width, heel depth, weight, ground-engaging tools (GET) and the type of coupler all have a major impact on the overall performance of the excavator in a given application. Incorrect application can yield decreased productivity and increased maintenance costs.
But while I’ve never had a playpen of MPs crawling around my living room (promise…), I can’t say the same about guide dog puppies.
The rest of the card is quietly solid as the all action Alex Oliveira battles Gunnar Nelson, Thiago Santos tries to continue his assault on the light heavyweight division, Olivier Aubin-Mercier takes on Gilbert Burns in what could be a sleeper bout for Fight of the Night honors, and Claudia Gadelha battles Nina Ansaroff for position in the strawweight division. Now it could turn out that these fights are duds in practice but on paper this is a solid offering.
Rammers or jumping jacks are a prime example of equipment that can stand on its own, but it doesn’t take much of a bump for them to fall over, possibly breaking someone’s foot or toe. However, a rammer pallet can provide a safe solution to storing the equipment.
ROUND ONE: Burns is an inch taller and has half an inch of reach advantage. They touch gloves, Aubin-Mercier fighting southpaw. Burns misses a few kicks. bit of a left from Aubin-Mercier, Burns lands a body kick. Burns lands a right that gets Aubin-Mercier to back off then lands a body kick. Left from Aubin-Mercier lands. Burns tries a single leg that hits the fence and stalls out. Aubin-Mercier is defending the takedown well so far but Burns hits a high crotch and gets him down. Aubin-Mercier has full guard, well butterfly guard and Burns is pressing him into the fence. Now Aubin-Mercier is looking to wall walk, Burns picks an ankle and keeps him on his seat against the fence. Burns nearly gets the back but Aubin-Mercier keeps an under hook and is back up then spins Burns into the fence. Knees from Burns and Aubin-Mercier is able to separate. Counter left hook from Burns floors Aubin-Mercier and he’s all over him on the mat with hammer fists looking for a finish. Brutal punches from the ride position then Burns gets the back with a body triangle locked in. Burns is fishing for the choke but Aubin-Mercier is defending so far. Burns switches to a double hooks position instead of a body triangle, then gets the body triangle on the other side.Burns sells out for an armbar attempt, nearly gets it but the round ends as Aubin-Mercier rolls through and tries to regain his feet.
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