ROUND THREE: eye flashing the jab to start the round. Chookagian misses a few punches then lands a leg kick. Side kick to the face from Chookagian. Jumping knee from Chookagian is mostly blocked but Eye’s output is mostly gone for a moment. Sharp right from Chookagian then Eye fails on a takedown and Chookagian is in the ride position landing punches. Eye is trying to get up, she’s looking for a double from her knees now but Chookagian is up and they’re on the fence in a clinch. Knees from Chookagian and they break. One two from Chokagian, Eye lands a bit of an uppercut. Another side kick to the face from Chookagian. Eye lands a body kick. Missed jumping kick from Chookagian. Eye lands a bit of a right to the body. They trade arm punches in close. Another uppercut from Chookagian and they trade knees in close. Chookagian stuffs another takedown attempt and lands short elbows as the round ends.
The jagged teeth of the aptly named Shark Tooth allow the operator to saw through stumps in the ground without leaving a massive hole that would be left by a bucket. The hydraulic thumb then closes on the dull edge of the tooth, allowing the operator to extract the pieces. The teeth can then be used to further downsize the stumps for more efficient disposal.
Eloise sweater in port by 360Cashmere, $385, and 835 Mid-Rise Cropped Skinny in Surge Destruct by J Brand, $248, both at Jody G. The Nashville gold and vegetable- tanned leather mini tote, handmade in Virginia Beach by Kristin Paige, $285, 18 karat gold-plated cuff set with gray sapphire and pyrite, handmade by Anna Beck, $650, and brass ring with moonstone, handmade by Baizaar, $30, both at The Beach Nut. Lava bead bracelet with free-form pavé diamond bead in black rhodium finish, $975, Either Ore Jewelers Hilltop.
Caparison Guitars is, at this point, sort of an elder statesman among high-end metal guitar makers. Founded in 1995 by ex-staffers from Charvel/Jackson’s Japan division, Caparison was bought by a British company in 2011 and is now owned by George and Gabriel Ösztreicher. But original founder and designer Itaru Kanno is still onboard—personally inspecting and setting up every guitar before shipping.
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Symphony Tacoma will present the well-known choral work, Handel’s “Messiah, at 7:30 p.m. Friday at St. Charles Borreomo, 7112 S. 12th St., Tacoma. Tickets are $30-$48 and available at 253-272-7264 or online at
ROUND THREE: Another touch of gloves at the start of the round. There’s some swelling around the left side of Holloway’s face, not bad but worth noting. Body kick from Ortega then a left hook. Right from Holloway as they separated from a clinch. Holloway lands to the body but eats a hard right and Holloway is backing up. Ortega is coming forward, he hits a double leg along the fence and nearly gets the back before Holloway slide shim off and gets free. Ortega lands another right, he’s finding that punch now. Hard spinning elbow from Ortega and a leg kick. Holloway lands a right but eats another counter. Holloway lands a calf kick, Ortega lands a leg kick. Right from Holloway, he’s slipping the counter hooks. Ortega lands an uppercut but eats a right. I can’t believe the chins on these two. Lefts and rights from Holloway and they clinch up on the fence. Holloway is on the fence, Ortega is looking for a trip but Holloway slips free and lands a right. Combination from Holloway lands and he’s coming forward now. Ortega lands another right as Holloway is along the fence. Right from Holloway lands, Ortega misses an uppercut and takes another right. This fight is nuts. Another takedown attempt from Ortega hits the fence but the action stalls as the round ends.
ROUND TWO: They touch gloves for the second round. Nelson is still bouncing around on his toes but his hands are at his waist. Oliveira lands a leg kick and pushes into the clinch along the fence. Nelson has his back on the fence right now and Oliveira is landing short lefts to the face of Oliveira. There’s blood coming from the nose of Nelson and his left eye is swelling. Oliveira is looking for a high crotch and landing lefts as he’s looking to get him on his back again. Nelson reverses the position and gets a double leg into half guard then immediately knee slices into full mount. Oliveira has some control over Nelson’s posture and Nelson is being very patient with his positioning. Elbow from Nelson lands. Another elbow from Nelson lands. Oliveira is bleeding now, he gives up his back and Nelson gets the back then forces the tap as Oliveira bleeds like a stuck pig.
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ROUND THREE: Bochniak avoids a one two to get the round going. Leg kick from Dawodu. Knee from Dawodu in close and Bochniak misses an elbow. They trade leg kicks then Dawodu kicks the body but Bochniak catches it and gets him to the fence. Dawodu spins free and lands to the body. Right to the jaw from Bochniak and Dawodu responds with an elbow. They trade a bit, Dawodu’s striking is much more powerful and crisp. Bochniak gets a double leg under a punch and moves to half guard immediately and looks to land elbows. Dawodu looking to wall walk, he’s upright but Bochniak is after the takedown again but can’t keep control over Dawodu and he moves free. They trade knees in the clinch then Bochniak shoots again but again stalls out on the fence. Dawodu is able to force separation then lands a left to the body. Jumping front kick to the body from Dawodu lands. More body shots from Dawodu then a left body kick and Bochniak is backing up, seems like he’s just hoping to see the end of the fight. Left to the body then a front kick to the body from Dawodu. Daodu blocks a knee tap and lands a knee to the body as they separate. Stiff left hoooks from Dawodu and a final front kick to the body that doubles Bochniak over just as the round ends.
All of this is pertinent to the world of heavy machinery because, in the show’s third season, the brothers decided they needed some big machines to get to the bottom of the mystery. That’s when Caterpillar construction equipment rumbled on stage.
For the record, you can’t be saved by the bell in MMA but the ref isn’t call it a finish. Same ref that missed those obviously illegal knees earlier. Mic time for Katona, he believes the fight should have been ruled a stoppage but says it’s not his call to make. He thanks Canada, then says he was hoping to make a statement in the division but hopes to make a better one in his next fight.
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