We had no choice but to do what we had to do and that was get to the store, get the part, fix the RV and hit the road. We unhitched and drove to the parts store.
ROUND TWO: Hard body kick from Burns to start the round. Bit of a right from Burns, Aubin-Mercier lands a right of his own. They punch into a clinch and find themselves on the fence. They break without incident. Aubin-Mercier’s abdomen is red from the body kicks. Burns lands a bit of an uppercut then lands another body kick. Aubin-Mercier tries a high kick that’s blocked. Burns lands a right. Aubin-Mercier fires a body kick of his own but Burns stuns him with a counter right. Burns seems to have a serious edge in power while Aubin-Mercier is keeping a higher out put. Aubin-Mercier has punches blocked and Burns lands a right to the body. Bit of a right from Burns, Aubin-Mercier lands a right uppercut and they clinch again. They break with an elbow from Aubin-Mercier. Burns trying his right again but he’s not finding the range reliably. They trade lefts, Burns hits a double leg, Aubin-Mercier back up and Burns gets the clinch on the fence. Nice outside reap from Burns and he’s on top in side control landing a few elbows as the round ends.
Jedrzejczyk could have taken the 4th I guess, but a solid fight from Shevchenko overall and she gets an interview. She says she’s been working for this for a long time, calls over her sister to stand with her and puts over her entire team for all the work they’ve done to get her to this point. She thanks everyone who has been a part of her journey to this moment, thanks her native Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Peru. Asked about her conditioning she puts over Jedrzejczyk for being a professional and ensuring the fight would take place and she’s honored to have won the title against an opponent of Jedrzejczyk’s caliber. She speaks Spanish to her friends and family in Peru, then does her own translation to Russian for her fans in that part of the world. That is a ridiculously talented woman.
Here’s the finish. Rakic lands a pretty solid leg kick and Clark tries to bum rush off of it, but that allows Rakic to simply transition to southpaw and fire a back fist that catches Clark on the jaw and he doesn’t see it. From there Rakic doesn’t let him off the hook and pounds him into the mat. I’ll also let you decide for yourself if that stoppage was late or not.
ROUND FOUR: Both men are busted up around the face. Holloway lands a one two and digs the body, he’s on a mission this round. Left from Holloway lands then a counter combination. He’s making Ortega miss and landing counters. Kidney shots from Holloway, that’s legal but just mean. Short right from Holloway in close, Ortega lands a right. Ortega digs the body, Holloway lands a left, they’re just throwing technical haymakers at each other. Body work from Holloway and a c combination of hooks. Ortega is on the fence and Holloway is landing to the body and head, he’s breaking Ortega down but Ortega is firing back and wont go away. Holloway lands punches in close. Holloway lands a combination from Holloway but Ortega is able to get a clinch on the fence. Knees from Holloway as he avoids being taken down, Ortega tries to pull guard but gets punches for his effort and they break. Ortega’s left eye is a mess, and Holloway digs to the body and head, he just wont stop. They get close and Holloway grabs a front headlock but wont engage on the mat. They’ll stop this between rounds based on that left eye of Ortega. Holloway lands more punches, Ortega after a single leg and Holloway is defending. body shots from Holloway on the break then a right and Ortega pulls him into mount. Ortega tries to roll under for a leg lock, Holloway rolls through and we’re back up. Another combination from Holloway, Ortega fires back along the fence as the round ends.
A good example is with small to medium hydraulic hammers. Often, you see these attachments lying flat on the ground or on a pallet scattered around a rental yard. This can take up a lot of space and leave the hammers more vulnerable to potential damage.
At Brass Heart, when this artistry comes together in a cohesive whole, you get dishes like Ham and Eggs, a hunk of sausage made from acorn-fed pata negra pigs and served alongside a bulging poached quail egg on an island of toast in a jamón Ibérico consommé. Puncture the egg with your spoon and it sinks into the soup, one-upping the decadence of the ham wallowing in it. Five courses later, you’re treated to a cloud-soft fillet of halibut that’s been poached in duck fat, topped with a pine nut tuile and matsutake mushrooms, and half immersed in thick celery root cream. Grilled pickled onions cut the richness with thunderbolts of tart fermented flavor. Kerney also aces hallowed A5 Kobe beef, which he delicately caramelizes over Japanese charcoal, tops with chanterelles, and nests in an achingly lush salsify purée. The guy’s respect for the meat borders on worship.
Ask Sample PDF of Ground Engaging Tools (GET) Market Report: https://marketresearchpro.net/global-ground-engaging-tools-get-market-research-report-2018/
“Choosing a bucket that has a shorter tip radius will provide higher tooth forces for digging or ripping through tough materials, thus better penetration,” says Horton. “Also, the bucket with the least teeth in contact with the material at any one time will provide higher tooth forces. Of course, buckets that have short tip radii are often lower capacity. In order to achieve the highest productivity, the bucket characteristics of number of teeth, width, tip radius and capacity should be matched with rippability of the material to be excavated.”
The sales channels chosen (that include direct as well as indirect marketing) by the companies are briefly enumerated in the report.
Skid Pro’s X4 series of Industrial Brush Cutters come in open-front and closed-front models. The attachment’s 480-pound flywheel has four blades delivering a 6-inch cutting capacity at standard flow. It is also available in a high-flow option. The drive shaft is 3-¾ inches in diameter, which the company says is in the top of its class. The “extra tall” 10-inch deck and raised back provide better discharge and improve cutting in thick grass, the company says. It features a front push bar and integrated bumper for pushing down and cutting large saplings.
Caparison builds weapons of choice for Killswitch Engage and Mattias Eklundh. And now their artist roster includes Courtney Cox of the Iron Maidens, whose namesake instrument, the Horus-M3 CC, is reviewed here.
Brass Tap recommends beer, candy pairings for Halloween | Brass Nut Related Video:
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