ROUND THREE: Bochniak avoids a one two to get the round going. Leg kick from Dawodu. Knee from Dawodu in close and Bochniak misses an elbow. They trade leg kicks then Dawodu kicks the body but Bochniak catches it and gets him to the fence. Dawodu spins free and lands to the body. Right to the jaw from Bochniak and Dawodu responds with an elbow. They trade a bit, Dawodu’s striking is much more powerful and crisp. Bochniak gets a double leg under a punch and moves to half guard immediately and looks to land elbows. Dawodu looking to wall walk, he’s upright but Bochniak is after the takedown again but can’t keep control over Dawodu and he moves free. They trade knees in the clinch then Bochniak shoots again but again stalls out on the fence. Dawodu is able to force separation then lands a left to the body. Jumping front kick to the body from Dawodu lands. More body shots from Dawodu then a left body kick and Bochniak is backing up, seems like he’s just hoping to see the end of the fight. Left to the body then a front kick to the body from Dawodu. Daodu blocks a knee tap and lands a knee to the body as they separate. Stiff left hoooks from Dawodu and a final front kick to the body that doubles Bochniak over just as the round ends.
Alex Oliveira is one of the more reliable action fighters in the UFC right now, he’s 4-1 in his last five fights and is on a two fight winning streak. Oliveira is trying to get to three in a row for the first time since 2015 and start moving up the ranks at welterweight. Gunnar Nelson was last seen in July of last year when he was starched by Santiago Ponzinibbio, he’s trying to avoid his first ever losing streak. The odds are close but lean towards Nelson at -150 to a +120 comeback for Oliveira.
ROUND THREE: More jabs from Jedrzejczyk but Shevchenko lands a front kick to the face then a body kick. Jedrzejczyk has no feel for the range in this fight, Shevhcenko is reading her and avoiding everything. Spinning back kick to the face of Jedrzejczyk from Shevhcenko, on the counter as well. Body kick from Shevchenko. Jedrzejczyk is bleeding from the nose, or ate least it’s swelling. Shevchenko lands a hard inside leg kick then misses a wheel kick. Shevchenko catches a kick and tries a takedown but this time Jedrzejczyk doesn’t let her get control and stays at distance. Jedrzejczyk lands a right. Shevchenko lands another inside leg kick, Jedrzejczyk lands a high kick but Shevchenko eats it and lands a left. Another inside leg kick from Shevchenko, Jedrzejczyk lands a body kick. Counter right from Shevchenko lands after Jedrzejczyk landed to the body. They clinch up, Shechcenko lands a knee to the face as they break. Body kick from Shevchenko. bit of a Superman punch from Shevchenko. Jedrzejczyk lands a body kick but eats a jab. Shevchenko eats a spinning attack and lands another knee to the face. Shevchenko catches another kick and gets the clinch on the fence and knees the face of Jedrzejczyk. Another knee to the face from Shevchenko ends the round.
Claudia Gadelha has been a top strawweight for years but two losses to former champion Joanna Jedrzejczyk stalled her title aspirations before Rose Namajunas became champion. Gadelha is coming off of a win over Carla Esparza and is hoping to solidify her spot as the next challenger in line after Jessica Andrade presumably fights for the title. Nina Ansaroff is on a three fight winning streak but despite that is making her return to strawweight here, she could jump near the title picture immediately with a win over Gadelha. The favorite is Gadelha at -320 against +240 for Ansaroff.
Other ways you can acquire the funny little Hex Nut Pokemon is by gift or trade. You can also get the mystery box by sending a generation one Pokémon to a friend instead of yourself.
“I was impressed with the machine’s power,” said Howard. “The settings—power and power-plus—made the machine easy to handle, and I thought the speed of hydraulic response was very good.”
– A removable seal washer protects the bearings inside most suspension links. Gently pry this off with a screwdriver to gain access to the bearing. Once the washer is removed, gently push the bearing sleeve out.
Worksaver’s Power Landscape Rakes attach to compact skid steers and skid steer loaders to pulverize and set grade on construction sites. They are also designed to remove debris or sod for creating new lawns or sprucing up existing ones. They feature flip-up end plates, flip-up gauge wheels and a material control bar. Buyers can choose carbide teeth or Sabre teeth. The bearing housings and triple seal bearings are replaceable.
"Our philosophy is that we will provide the best and most reliable tools that can be attached under a tiltrotator. Our new sorting grab fits our customers’ needs very well,” said Engcon design engineer Johan Johansson.
A pallet that stores augers teeth up allows for inspection and replacement of worn teeth. Also, the coupler is down, so it can’t fill with water and freeze. Teeth up pallets, however, are generally limited to augers up to 15 in. in diameter as anything larger gets too heavy for one man to handle. Teeth down pallets, if properly designed, however, allow augers to be picked up or stored directly with the skid-steer or mini excavator.
*Glass Shatters* Stone Cold! The three-time Rumble winner made his way to the ring. After quickly eliminating Chuck & Christian, Austin checked his invisible watch as fans chanted “What!?”. He rolled to the outside, got Chuck & Christian back in the ring .. and eliminated them again! Visibly impatient, Austin waited on the turnbuckle repeating “What!?”
But legal experts take her expertise on the Trump front very, very seriously. She literally wrote the book on political corruption—Corruption in America: From Benjamin Franklin’s Snuff Box to Citizens United, published in 2014—and after Trump won, she was one of the first to recognize what kind of Constitutional problem the president was creating by failing to divest himself from his businesses. Writing in The New York Times less than two weeks after the election, Teachout identified the “emoluments clause”—a heretofore obscure provision of Article 1 of the Constitution—as essentially an anti-bribery rule, one of several constitutional provisions written to prevent foreign powers from influencing domestic affairs. Running an international hotel and golf business essentially guarantees Trump is taking money from foreign powers, potentially giving wealthy individuals and governments leverage over presidential decisions. The emoluments clause, she argues, is a cornerstone of American democracy—one that we’d simply never needed to enforce before, because no president had chosen to retain control of a multinational company while holding office.
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