Information management and maintenance of information hardware are generally within the capabilities of most customers, says Kahler. Machine-specific information can also be shared with dealers to help coordinate PM and repair. Data from equipment running across North America are aggregated and analyzed at Deere’s facility in Dubuque, Iowa, to look for trends and allow the OEM to be proactive in resolving issues and improving machine performance.
ROUND TWO: Ansaroff lands an uppercut and a kick into a right hand. Gadelha tries a takedown but Ansaroff shucks her off. It’s clear that Gadelha is already slowing down a bit and Ansaroff is pressing forward. Leg kicks from Ansaroff, she’s managing the distance where Gadelha isn’t. Jabs from Ansaroff, Gadelha lands a right to the body but gets countered again. Gadelha is coming forward now but she’s following and can’t close distance, she’s not even feinting at this point. Calf kick from Ansaroff lands. That lead hand from Ansaroff is troubling Gadelha, who shoots a takedown and gets it into side control, she needed that badly. Ansaroff is trying to shrimp, and gets half guard back. They both fire punches to the head. Gadelha throws hammer fists to the body but she’s not doing much with this position yet. Gadelha stands but wont do anything else before the round ends.
ROUND TWO: They touch gloves for the second round. Nelson is still bouncing around on his toes but his hands are at his waist. Oliveira lands a leg kick and pushes into the clinch along the fence. Nelson has his back on the fence right now and Oliveira is landing short lefts to the face of Oliveira. There’s blood coming from the nose of Nelson and his left eye is swelling. Oliveira is looking for a high crotch and landing lefts as he’s looking to get him on his back again. Nelson reverses the position and gets a double leg into half guard then immediately knee slices into full mount. Oliveira has some control over Nelson’s posture and Nelson is being very patient with his positioning. Elbow from Nelson lands. Another elbow from Nelson lands. Oliveira is bleeding now, he gives up his back and Nelson gets the back then forces the tap as Oliveira bleeds like a stuck pig.
Both trenching and grading buckets will be optimized to fit the standard clamp and the optional Pro Clamp System, allowing operators to better move and grab more materials. The Pro Clamp grading tool can serve as a smooth cutting edge when grading or trenching with a toothed bucket. It also can be reversed to serve as a clamshell when paired with a smooth lip bucket.
The Hookup by Construction Attachments is a universal skid steer adapter for excavators up to 20,000 pounds. The adapter allows excavators to use such landscaping attachments as general purpose buckets, root rakes, skeleton buckets, stump buckets, pallet forks, bale spears, boom poles and tree booms. The Hookup weighs 252 pounds and is made from ASTM A36 structural steel. It incorporates the standard two-pin universal skid steer latching system. The pins are flame hardened and have greasable zerk fittings, the company says.
“The goal of any store is to generate revenue while minimizing operating expenses and downtime. Offering a variety of attachments to use on a loader helps keep it out on rent. Plus, the attachments can be rented to contractors who have their own loader,” says Tyler Monson, marketing, Virnig Manufacturing, Rice, Minn.
PRELIMINARY CARD (FS1, 8 p.m. ET) #11 Nina Ansaroff (115.25 lbs.) vs. #3 Claudia Gadelha (115.5 lbs.) Olivier Aubin-Mercier (155.75 lbs.) vs. Gilbert Burns (155.75 lbs.) #3 Katlyn Chookagian (125.75 lbs.) vs. #9 Jessica Eye (126 lbs.) Eryk Anders (186 lbs.) vs. #14 Elias Theodorou (184.5 lbs.)
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Clean that goo off your guitar, mate! Your bandmates are all talking about it behind your back. With the strings off it’s a great opportunity to lightly scrape your fingerboard, clean around the tuners and next to the pickups. Gibson’s sensitive lacquer likes a good carnauba waxing (aka palm wax) after a clean.
When selecting a bucket, bigger isn’t always better. “If you use a bucket too big for the material density, it can have a major effect on performance or cycle times, as well as stability of the machine,” says Ryan Neal, product application specialist, Caterpillar.
They aren’t the catchiest names, it’s true. Pups get their proper ones at six weeks, when they’re taken to the National Breeding Centre. In the meantime, some volunteers call them all after characters in Coronation Street or Harry Potter. But in the Seales family and dozens of others, it’s become almost normal to coo, "hiiiii, little right fore girrrrlllllll!" at a tiny, wriggling ball of dog.
But legal experts take her expertise on the Trump front very, very seriously. She literally wrote the book on political corruption—Corruption in America: From Benjamin Franklin’s Snuff Box to Citizens United, published in 2014—and after Trump won, she was one of the first to recognize what kind of Constitutional problem the president was creating by failing to divest himself from his businesses. Writing in The New York Times less than two weeks after the election, Teachout identified the “emoluments clause”—a heretofore obscure provision of Article 1 of the Constitution—as essentially an anti-bribery rule, one of several constitutional provisions written to prevent foreign powers from influencing domestic affairs. Running an international hotel and golf business essentially guarantees Trump is taking money from foreign powers, potentially giving wealthy individuals and governments leverage over presidential decisions. The emoluments clause, she argues, is a cornerstone of American democracy—one that we’d simply never needed to enforce before, because no president had chosen to retain control of a multinational company while holding office.
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