ROUND TWO: Dawodu showing the lead hand this round, he lands a leg kick then a left to the body. Bochniak lands a leg kick of his own. They trade leg kicks then Bochiniak gets a takedown but Dawodu rolls through and regains his feet quickly. Bochniak lands a right. Elbow from Bochniak in close and a few more leg kicks. Dawodu is landing the better strikes but he’s slowing down. Body kick from Dawodu and Bochniak lands a counter left hook. They clinch up and Bochniak drives Dawodu to the fence. They break and Dawodu lands a jab then a one two. Leg kick from Dawodu, that was a hard one. Another clinch to the fence as the round ends.
ROUND TWO: More movement from Theodorou, Anders lands a punch but he’s getting out worked and out pointed by Theodorou. Anders lands a left and they clinch up. Knees go back and forth then Anders lands a left as they break. Theodorou lands a body kick and some uppercuts in close before he separates. Inside leg kick from Thedorou. Anders lands a left and a body kick, then Theodorou lands a knee and a right as they break from a clinch. Stiff lefts from Anders in close, Theodorou just eats it but those landed. Better work from Anders now, Theodorou is slowing down a bit. Short uppercuts from Theodorou in close but he’s struggling to keep up his pace. Bit of a left from Anders, and another one wobbles Theodorou. Theodorous is hurt and on the fence, Anders swings lefts to the body. Body kick form Tehodorou but Anders lands a couple of counter lefts that hurt him. Jab from Anders and a left uppercut, Theodorou is hurt but backing away and surviving. Another left from Anders drops Theodorou for a moment but he’s back up and still wobbled. Anders isn’t going nuts here, he has a high kick blocked as the round ends.
A longer tip radius gives operators more capacity. “The trade-off is the operator’s cycle times will be a little slower when filling the bucket. A shorter tip radius provides more arm and bucket breakout force and faster cycle times,” notes Smith.
“We’re not trying to make your life more difficult here,” Josh says. “But this is good practice in using language with care.”
Horton notes that Woods/Wain-Roy offers a tilting coupler, the Swinger, that allows the operators to use any type of bucket needed. “Tilting the bucket when starting a dig helps with penetration because the bucket can be positioned so that only one tooth engages,” he points out. “Tilting buckets are useful for pouring pea gravel because of the fine placement ability of pouring over the corner of the bucket.”
Roy feels a bump of pleasure as he shifts from weary commuter to seasoned journalist, digging into the bare-bones wire-service report to turn it into an article, with quotes from law enforcement and details about both groups. (The Clean Hands Militia say they just want to be left alone inside their walled-off commune; the Big-Wheelers aim to destroy the government—and may have been trying to poison the Billings water supply.) Roy files the piece, slugged MilitiaWaterWars0809X, and it goes to the Farm for vetting.
The Shark Tooth may be designed for stump splitting and harvesting, but Thompson has discovered added value. The contractor has used it to dig trenches for silt fence, load log trailers and backfill excavations after stump extraction.
ZaGO Manufacturing Company says its seal nuts offer superior flexibility and versatility in comparison with the plastic insert lock nuts currently on the market. Plastic insert lock nuts offer only one type of sealing element known as polyamide, or nylon 11 – a semi-crystalline plastic material with no flexibility.
The Stumper 280 stump grinder from Stumper Industries, Calumet, Mich., are compatible with regular skid-steers, mini excavators and backhoes and mini front loaders and utility task vehicles (UTVs). The 650-lb. grinder includes a 28-in. cutting diameter and 8-in. cut depth per pass.
21 Dec A new collaborative project being carried out in Scotland is expected to lead to the launch of an app that can predict potholes before they occur.
For Povich, all these years later that game remains window into a previous life, one where he imagined himself as a sports broadcaster. “I was a sports nut,” he said. “And you think about my father, that’s what I wanted to do.”
UFC 231 comes to the world from the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. On commentary we have Jon Anik, Joe Rogan, and UFC lightweight contender Paul Felder. This trio was pretty solid the last time they were assembled, and Felder’s commentary is generally awesome. We’re under the old rules tonight as Ontario has not verified the new rules, so anything besides the soles of your feet on the mat means your downed and the language around scoring is needlessly nebulous. We will have the use of replay for fight ending sequences but once used the fight cannot be restarted.
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